
How Automation Enhances Precision Machining in Toronto

July 06, 2021
How Automation Enhances Precision Machining in Toronto

Though they are two different things, precision machining in Toronto works similarly to CNC machining since they are both used for various fabrication tools and techniques and both highly value accuracy. What makes them distinct from each other is the process involved in cutting irregularly tight tolerances of up to 0.0005mm. Furthermore, precision machining is also utilized for surface finishes that are a lot finer. There are a multitude of factors that can impact the accurateness of the cut that the precision tool can deliver, including geometric accuracy, stiffness, damping, and many more.

In today’s blog, we will be discussing some of the key elements of precision machining in Toronto:


Other significant elements of precision machining in Toronto are motion control and the ability of the equipment to respond even at rapid feed rates. Modern technology has largely enhanced this service and the future of automation continues to improve in order to satisfy the growing demand for even tighter tolerances as well as customer’s requirements for higher speeds. There are continuous innovations in the field of automation for better precision machining.  


One of the most common elements of this technology is the application of an electronic motion controller that determines the exact position and velocity of the device used. The next innovative part of this automated manufacturing is the system integration, which requires PLC controller technology. This perfectly enables the users to regulate the programs in a manner that delivers real-time and more reliable control over the processes involved during precision machining in Toronto.


When it comes to errors and other potential issues with machining variables, algorithms have been developed to compensate for these concerns. These developments have positively affected the delivery of precise and correct results in precision machining. These combined improvements enable quality results for automated machining applications. Hence, manufacturers are able to enhance their machining capabilities without buying additional tools and machinery.


These developments enable machining shops to produce at greater scale at with better quality. To learn more about machining processes, follow the RWD Tool and Machine blog!